Efficiently analyze data
while it's fully encrypted

Free 30-day trial

With just a few lines of code, you can analyze data in real-time while it remains encrypted. Now, you share and analyze all of your data without exposing any of your data.

Check Icon - Landingly X Webflow Template
API-based, low-code integration
Check Icon - Landingly X Webflow Template
Database agnostic
Check Icon - Landingly X Webflow Template
Bring your own or managed keys

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Designed for modern software teams

Blind Storage

  • BYO keys or pluggable with 3rd party key management systems
  • Support for complex data types
  • Fine-grained access controls

Blind Query

  • Run encrypted SQL queries against encrypted data
  • Arithmetic, bitwise, comparison, and logic operators
  • Support for complex composite queries

Blind Proxy

  • Encrypt and decrypt as-a-service
  • Low-code deployment
  • Self-hosted or managed secure enclave

Blind SDK

  • Encrypt and decrypt in your own server environment
  • Support for the most popular languages (Python, Javascript, Go, C#, Java, and more)

Blind On-Prem

  • Encrypt, decrypt, store, and process on-prem.